Friday, February 7, 2014

It's time for pie

After a week of disrespectful students and cold, rainy days, I was in need of a warm pick-me-up. Time for pie! Pie solves all! I am having lunch with Nacho's parents and his brother's family tomorrow, so I figured why not show them the traditional, wonderfully satisfying experience of warm apple pie and vanilla ice cream.  How American of me. Can't wait to try it! I've made pie dough from scratch before but it has always been difficult- too flaky, too moist, etc. I never seem to get it just right. But this time it went surprisingly well! Thanks elephantine for the inspiration :)

Ready for the oven!
Finished product
It felt good to spend some time in the kitchen. I always seem to process my thoughts best while working with my hands and creating something delicious. It was a good way to end a long work week. Happy Friday everyone! 

Found one of my favorite quotes in a magazine article I was
 reading while attempting to better my Spanish
New addition to my wall.
Great show, great message.
Spent my Wednesday afternoon with Nachy and a beer watching
the sun go down in the park next to my apartment.
 I wouldn't say my week was all that bad..
Another wonderful message I received while
reading on my way to work :)
Tonight I am going to this bar in Chueca to meet up with fellow American travel bloggers! It should be a fun night. I hope to meet some people with similar interests as myself, and who knows, maybe find some inspiration/tips for future blogging :) 

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